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Brig Gen Phillipe O. Bouchard
Died June 9, 2010

Air Force Materials Laboratory
1978 - 1979

Brig. Gen. Philippe O. Bouchard was vice commander, Aeronautical Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. General Bouchard was born in Salem, Mass., in 1932. He graduated from St. John's Preparatory School, Danvers, Mass., in 1949. After spending two years at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he was appointed to the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., where he earned a bachelor of science degree in 1955. In 1963 General Bouchard received a master of science degree in aeronautical engineering from the University of Okla. He was a distinguished graduate of Squadron Officers School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., in 1959. He also graduated from the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va., in 1969; and the Canadian National Defence College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in 1975.

The general attended pilot training at Moore Air Force Base, Texas, and Greenville Air Force Base, Miss. After receiving his pilot wings in 1956, he completed F-86D Combat Crew Training at Perrin Air Force Base, Texas.

In January 1957 he began a four-year assignment at Selfridge Air Force Base, Mich., as an interceptor pilot with the 94th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron. He then entered the University of Oklahoma under an Air Force Institute of Technology program, received a master's degree in aeronautical engineering in 1963 and continued his graduate studies in that field until December 1964. From January 1965 through April 1966, General Bouchard performed research and development duties at the Aero Propulsion Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force.

Transferring to the Republic of Vietnam in May 1966, he served as a forward air controller with the U.S. 25th Infantry Division. While serving with the "Tropic Lightning" Division, the general was air liaison officer for the 2nd and 196th brigades and assistant air operations officer for the division's Tactical Air Control Party. He flew 412 combat missions in O-l "Bird Dogs."

Upon returning to the United States in May 1967, General Bouchard became an assistant professor of aeronautics at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo. After attending the Armed Forces Staff College, he was reassigned to the Air Force Academy and served as an associate professor of aeronautics through July 1974. From August 1974 to July 1975, General Bouchard was one of four Americans attending the Canadian National Defence College.

In August 1975 he returned to the Aero Propulsion Laboratory as director of the Ramjet Engine Division and commanded the Aero Propulsion Laboratory, from July 1977 to September 1978. He then commanded the Air Force Materials Laboratory, also located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, until June 1979. For the next two years, the general served at Headquarters Air Force Systems Command, Andrews Air Force Base, Md., as deputy chief of staff for manpower and personnel. In July 1981 he became commander of the Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss Air Force Base, N.Y. Returning to Headquarters Air Force Systems Command in October 1983, General Bouchard became deputy chief of staff for science and technology. He assumed his present duties in September 1984.

General Bouchard was a command pilot. His military decorations and awards include the Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters, Distinguished Flying Cross, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal with 14 oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal and Army Commendation Medal with "V" device.

He was promoted to brigadier general Aug. 1, 1983, with same date of rank.

AF Materials and Manufacturing Alumni Association (AFMMAA)

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