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Air Force Materials & Manufacturing History

George Peterson and Friends at the Greene in the Summer of 2014

Back row:

Jack Henderson, Dave Dickson, Bob Rapson, Jim Whitney, Larry Bidwell, Bob Neff, Bill Woody, John Williamson, Jim Mattice.


Bob Crane, Merrill Minges, George Peterson, Warren Johnson, Dick Engman

Contributed by Merrill Minges

ML Lunch Group
Technical Meeting at Undisclosed Location - 1990

Left to right:

Gordon Griffith, Patrick Hemenger, Gary Waggoner, Charles Strecker, Bill Woody, Bob Denison, John Spears, Bob Crane (on Wanted poster), GaryKepple, Lyle Riffee, George Schmitt

Composites ADP, 1965

The Original Advanced Composites ADP Team, ca 1965

Forest Hills Country Club, Indiana, 2004

A favorite memory of our friend Roger

Bob Rapson, Mickey McCabe, Warren Johnson, Roger Griswold

Contributed by Bob Rapson

Photos from the ML new facility dedication events in 1975.

Top left: Dorothy Shepard and colleagues at the awards banquet. Dorothy was the first recipient of the Laboratory Support award.

Top center: Bob Guyton, founder of UTC.

Top right: Secretary of the AF, Walter LaBurge, event speaker.

Bottom left and center: George Peterson at the picnic before and after undertaking his other duties as assigned in the dunking tank.

Bottom right: Some young fellow with a 1970s portable video recorder.

Contributed by Merrill Minges

Around the 1985 time period, this was the annual ManTech Christmas party, sponsored that year by the Metals Branch (shown). The theme was "Mash," from the TV show.

Left to right: Bruce Rasmussen, Ed Wheeler, Ken Kojola, Veronica Bloemer/Gunther, Lee Kennard, Kathy Stevens, Walt Griffith, Lee Gulley, Unknown, Unknown, John Williamson, Sylvester Lee, Unknown, Unknown.

Contributed by John Williamson

A visit to TRW, Cleveland by George Peterson and several other ML personnel.

Left to right: George Peterson, Lee Kennard, TRW Man, John Williamson, Gail Eichelman, Ken Love, TRW Man, Vince DiBenedetto, Charlie Anderson, TRW Man, Jim Ray, TRW Man.

Contributed by John Williamson

MLI Tech Operations Office 1992

MLI Technical Operations Office - 1992

First Row (left to right): Doris Butler, Carol Veness, John Williamson, Sue Kirchoff


First Row: Frank Borasz, Bob Ondercin, Robert Donat, Gary Kepple, Jim Mullineaux

Contributed by John Williamson

Nonmetallic Materials Division - October 1970

Contributed by Kathy Falenski

Materials Physics Division 1970

Front Row: Juanita M. Timm, Joyce A.  Whiteaker, Gladys Higgins,

Bernice G. Siney, Robert E.Brocklehurst, Leo F. Salzberg, T. V. Matthews,

Mary H. Hoover, Judith A. Streiff, Linda A. Doctor

Second Row: Freeman F. Bentley, Gordon H. Griffith, Wilbert R. Powell,

Charles D. Houston, John C. Olson, William L. Baun, 1/Lt Henry A. Wells,

Lee D. Smithson

Third Row: Capt Martin A. Berwick, Harold J. Garrett, William J. Crawford, Conrad M. Phillipi, Paul W. Dimiduk, David W. Fischer, 2/Lt Frank E. Seaman

Fourth Row: Hyman Marcus, Donald F. Stevenson, Dr. Patrick M. Hemenger, Capt Bruce J.Pierce, 1/Lt Rudolph A. Champa, Capt Arthur L. Robinson,

2/Lt Raymond J. Burek, Dr. Howard A. Tanner

Fifth Row: Robert M. Van Vliet, Donald J. Evans, Dr. Melvin C. Ohmer,

1/Lt Russell J. Callahan, Dr. Robert J. Spry, Neil T. McDevitt,

Dr. Herbert M. Rosenburg


Sixth Row: 1/Lt Walter W. Adams, Lt Col David J. Iden,

Maj Charles E.Ehrenfried, 1/Lt Michael V. Turner, Robert L. Hickmott,

Denver Hale, Donald E. Holsapple, Dr. Emile Rutner

Absent: Dr. Daniel S. Dyer, James H. Muntz, Marry T. Ryan,

William G. D. Frederick, Dr. G. Edward Kuhl, Dr. Vincent Donlan,

2/Lt Grover T. Surratt, Capt. Thomas C. Finley, Alan K. Hopkins,

Major Ronald Prater, Roger E. Rondeau, Gerald L. Haury, Robert A. Winn, Capt Thomas E. Joyce, Dr. Edmond Rolinski

Materials Physics Division - 7 October 1970

Contributed by Melvin Ohmer

IR Detector Research Group 1980

Front Row Row: David Walch, Melvin Ohmer, Capt Kenneth Bradley, David Brown, Frank Madarasz. Frank Szmulowicz, Richard Harris, George Miner

Back Row: Maj Orven Swanson, Gene Soltis, Lt John Rome, Capt Thomas Chandler, Steven Smith, William Mitchel, Robert Burke, Patrick Hemenger, Charles D. Houston, John C. Olson, William L. Baun, 1/Lt Henry A. Wells, Lee D. Smithson

Individuals Participating in the AFML Silicon Based IR Detector Research Program 1980

Contributed by Melvin Ohmer


Seated: Peter Kosel, Melvin Ohmer, Patrick Hemenger, Frank Szmulowicz, David Fischer, John Detrio

Row 2: Angie McPherson, Visitor, Uma Ramabadren, Donald Dorsey, Visitor, Chris Hegde, Gail Brown, Paul von Richter, 2/Lt Richard Fletcher, Timothy Peterson

Row 2: 1/Lt Myan Shaw, David Zelmon, John Zetts, Steven Smith, Eman Martens, Rand Biggers, William Mitchel, AFIT Student, Ron Perrin

Individuals Participating in the AFML Non Linear Optical Materials and Gallium Arsenide Programs 1993

Contributed by Melvin Ohmer

Superconductivity Research Station


Dr. G. Edward Kuhl, Dr. Melvin C. Ohmer

Physics Division Superconductivity

Research Station, Bldg 433

Dr. Patrick Hemenger


Dr. Patrick Hemenger

operating ultra-fast Hall Effect measurement facility

Dr. Melvin Ohmer

Dr. Melvin Ohmer

In the photo the Project Forecast II logo on the cup recalls the nonlinear laser crystal, ZnGeP2 program initiated by Forecast II, which provides protection from surface-to-air missiles for aircraft. The lab coat symbols, described in the adjacent photo, were embroided initially by his mother and subsequently by his wife.

Cleary Award Ceremony


Dr. Marr, USAF Chief Scientist

Dr. G. Edward K. Kuhl (middle)

Dr. Melvin C. Ohmer (right)

Cleary Award Recognition for

paper on superconductivity. First second place recognition in Laboratory history

Dr. Gail J. Brown


Dr. Gail J. Brown

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer Facility

Gail is an AFRL Fellow and Fellow of the American Physical Society.

She was widely recognized as a role model for women who wished to become scientists

An AFRL Fellow and long-time leader of WUD48 and its precursors, Mel Ohmer was a Charter member of the VHSIC Technology Evaluation Team. The lab coat embroidery is significant: the left lower side is a coating design for the ALL window; the upper left is a superconductor hysteresis loop calculated from the Ohmer, Wollan, Larson (OWL) model; the lower right side is a symbol of the X-levels discovered during infrared detector research; the CMOS/SOS button represents work on radiation hard chip sets for space.

Contributed by Melvin Ohmer

Systems Support Division Photo 1966.jpg

Front Row 3rd, 4th, 5th: Marie Hughes, Julius Teres, Walt Conrardy

Second Row: Merrill Minges, Gary Denman, Barry Emrich, Lt. John Koning, Clarence Pratt, Sid Childers (at the far end)

Third Row: Clay Harmsworth, Bill Williams

Fourth Row 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Nate Tupper, Vince Russo, Marv Knight

Top Row 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Al Olevich, Howard Zoeller, Benny Cohen (Mr. Corrosion)

Application (Systems Support) Division - 1966

Contributed by Merrill Minges

First Row: D. Johnson, T.D. Cooper, I. Perlmutter, H.M. Burte, Maj. J.P.

Kershaw, W.G. Ramke, C.L. Lynch, G.E. Sheets

Second Row: K.L. Kojola, S. Inouye, Lt. R.R. Simpson, Capt. R.E. Tressler, K.S. Mazdiyasni, E.M. Carter, Capt. R.J. Sajdak

Third Row: S.O. David, Capt. T.L. Moore, L.R. Bidwell, G.R. Atkins, V.J. Marbury, F. Raleigh, W.H. Reimann, F.G. Ostermann, H.L. Gegel

Fourth Row: P.L.Hendricks, H.J. Middendorp, R. Crane, J.K. Elbaum

Fifth Row: C.R. Underwood, R.R. Rowand, H.L. Stevens, L.D. Parsons, J.J. Krochmal, H.K. Pickens, J. Halldorson, O.O. Srp, R.F. Geisendorfer, S.C. Chattoraj

Sixth Row: R.T. Dolloff, J.D. Latva, K. Liggins, T.M.F. Ronald, J.A. Hall

Seventh Row: Lt. B.E. Kibbey, A.W. Brisbane, N.M. Geyer, Cape. L.R. Gulley, J.R. Fenter, P.J. Bates, B. Thomas, K.D. Shimmin, C.M. Pierce, Lt. G.C. Hite

Eighth Row: R. Ruh, J.W. Poynter, A. Adair, J.A. Holloway, Lt. J. Bohlen, Lt. B.R. Collins, J.P. Henderson, D.J. Deye

Ninth Row: Lt. J.C. Sikra, Maj. J.E. Lawson, Capt. J.L. Edwards, M.J. Sever, T. Nicholas, W.L. Shelton, Capt. L.A. Jacobson, D.I.G. Jones, F.W. Vahldiek

Metals and Ceramics Division - 1969

Contributed by Terry Ronald

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