Air Force Materials & Manufacturing History
Development of Statistical-Based Non-Destructive Inspection Methods
Written by Al Gunderson
Description of the significance of this NDI work to military and commercial aviation safety.
Superplastic Forming/Diffusion Bonding of Titanium
A history of the manufacturing technology and advanced development activities that orchestrated the acceptance of titanium superplastic forming and diffusion bonding for military and commercial applications
Contributed and written by John Williamson

US Strategic Forces: ICBMs and Missile Defense - a Draft Vignette. A start at remembering the contributions of the carbon-carbon composites team
Click to enlarge
Contributed by Bob Rapson
Written by Merrill Minges, with key contributions from Paul Propp and Bob Denison
Historical Review of AFML NDE Technology
This report provides a historical account of the organization evolution, the research and development activities and the important technology contributions made by the Nondestructive Evaluation Branch of the AFRL Materials and Manufacturing Directorate and predecessor organizations.
Written by Don Forney under a UTC contract with ML.
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