Air Force Materials & Manufacturing History
This page is an informal record of activities that fall outside the formal work environment. They show past and present ML members and friends enjoying social time together.
For many years, John Williamson has organized monthly lunch gatherings for alumni, current laboratory personnel, contractors and other friends. They are held at a variety of local restaurants and provide an enjoyable opportunity to meet and have convivial conversation about whatever topics arise, whether lab-related or otherwise.
"Good company, good wine, good welcome can make good people"
- Shakespeare Henry VIII
Click on photos to enlarge
2025 Luncheon Schedule
Most of the luncheons are held every third Wednesday of the month at 11:30am. The two exceptions are the June Annual Meeting at The Engineers Club and the December meeting. The dates and locations for those two will depend upon the availability of special speakers/guests for the June luncheon, and a confirmation of a date and location for the December one. We will publish any other schedule or location changes on this page.
January 15
February 19
March 19
April 16
May 21

Fairfield Rd Beavercreek

Alex Bell Rd. Centerville

Carillon Park Dayton

Dorothy Lane Kettering

Wayne Ave. Dayton

Monument Ave. Dayton (Annual Meeting)

Wayne Ave. Dayton

Fairfield Rd. Beavercreek

Far Hills Ave. Washington Township

Brown St. Dayton

Fairfield Commons Beavercreek

10000 Yankee Street, Centerville
July 16
August 20
September 17
October 15
November 19

BJ's, Beavercreek, January 2025
Clockwise around the table:
Terry Ronald, Garry Kepple, Gary Waggoner, Dennis Naughton, Jack Henderson, Bill Woody, Don Shrader, Merrill Minges, Wayne Ward
Christmas Luncheon
Yankee Trace Golf Club, Centerville
December 2024

El Toro, Beavercreek, November 2024
Clockwise around the table:
Bob Crane, Bob Drerup, Dennis Naughton, Jeanne Fox, Bob Cochoy, Al Gunderson, John Williamson, George Schmitt, Warren Johnson, Merrill Minges, Wayne Ward, John Fenter, Don Shrader, Kathy Falenski, Terry Ronald (took photo)

Jimmie's Ladder 11, Dayton, October 2024
Clockwise around the table:
Al Gunderson, Merrill Minges, Terry Ronald, Wayne Ward, John Speers, Matt DiBiase, John Williamson, Don Shrader, Bob Cochoy, Bob Crane, Jeanne Fox, Warren Johnson, George Schmitt

Geez, Washington Township, September 2024
Left to right:
George Schmitt, John Speers, John Fenter, Kathy Falensky, Gail Beams-Zimmer, Dennis Naughton, Walt Zimmer, Bob Drerup, Al Gunderson, Don Shrader, Neal Ontko, Merrill Minges, Warren Johnson, Wayne Ward, (John Williamson, taking Photo)

Marion's Piazza, Beavercreek, August 2024
Left to right:
George Schmitt, John Speers, Wayne Ward, Warren Johnson, Merrill Minges, Al Gunderson, Don Shrader, Dennis Naughton, Bob Cochoy, John Williamson, (Taking Photo: Terry Ronald)

Dublin Pub, Dayton, July 2024
Left to right:
Jeanne Fox, Wayne Ward, Bob Cochoy, John Speers, Dennis Naughton, Don Shrader, Merrill Minges, John Williamson, Al Gunderson, Terry Ronald, Bob Crane

Annual Meeting, Engineers Club, Dayton, 19 June 2024
Front Row: Vince Russo, Tim Sakulich, Darrell Phillipson, Chuck Ormsby
Second Row: Bill Woody, Matt DiBiase, Jeanne Fox, Dennis Naughton, Wayne Ward
Third Row: George Dalton at left, John Williamson at right
Fourth Row: Bob Denison, Don Shrader, Al Gunderson, Warren Johnson
Fifth Row: Bob Drerup
Sixth Row: Merrill Minges, Bob Albrecht, Larry Butkus
Seventh Row: Bill Lampert, Terry Ronald, John Speers

Troll Pub, Dayton, May 2024
Left to right:
Wayne Ward, Grytha Drerup, Bob Drerup, George Schmitt, Terry Ronald, Warren Johnson, Don Shrader, Walter Zimmer, Gail Beams-Zimmer, John Speers

Bob Drerup
Archer's Tavern, Kettering, April 2024
Left to right:
Bob Cochoy, Bob Crane, Merrill Minges, Jim Mattice, Wayne Ward, John Speers, Terry Ronald, Al Gunderson, Jack Henderson, John Williamson, Dennis Daughton, Bob Denison, Warren Johnson, Chuck Ormsby, Don Shrader

Culp's Cafe, Dayton, March 2024
Left to right:
Al Gunderson, Dennis Naughton, John Speers, Wayne Ward, Terry Ronald, Don Shrader, Merrill Minges, John Williamson, Bill Woody, Warren Johnson
Doubledays Grill, Centerville, February 2024
Left to right:
Al Gunderson, Merrill Minges, Bob Cochoy, Matt DiBiase, Jack Henderson, Wayne Ward, John Williamson, Don Shrader, Jim Mattice, Chuck Ormsby, (Taking Photo: Terry Ronald)

BJ's, Beavercreek, January 2024
Left to right:
Terry Ronald, Merrill Minges, Don Shrader, Dennis Naughton, Bob Henderson, Jim Mattice, Al Gunderson, Wayne Ward, Warren Johnson, John Williamson, Bob Cochoy
John Williamson
AFMMAA Luncheon Leader

Because of medical issues, John was unable to attend the most recent luncheon. To indicate how much he is valued by our alumni, and how much he was missed, a signed plaque was given to him after the lunch celebration.

Christmas Luncheon, Yankee Trace Golf Club, Centerville
December 2023
El Toro, Beavercreek, November 2023
Left to right:
Terry Ronald, Warren Johnson, John Williamson, Kathy Falenski, Wayne Ward, Jim Mattice, Bob Drerup, Som Soni, Don Shrader, Bob Denison, Dennis Naughton, Merrill Minges, Al Gunderson, Bob Cochoy

Dublin Pub, Dayton, October 2023
Left to right:
Merrill Minges, John Speers, Al Gunderson, Wayne Ward, John Williamson, Bob Rapson, Terry Ronald, Don Shrader, George Schmitt

Jimmy's Ladder, Dayton, September 2023
Left to right:
Don Shrader, John Speers, John Williamson, George Schmitt, Bob Henderson, Al Gunderson, Warren Johnson, Terry Ronald, Kathy Falenski, Wayne Ward, Merrill Minges

Wheatpenny, Dayton, August 2023
Left to right:
George Schmitt, Jack Henderson, John Williamson, Wayne Ward, Terry Ronald, (present but not in photo: Warren Johnson)

Roosters, Beavercreek, July 2023
Left table:
Don Shrader, Jack Henderson
Middle table:
Som Soni, Jim Mattice, Al Gunderson, George Schmitt, Bob Cochoy, Wayne Ward
Right table:
John Williamson, Terry Ronald, Warren Johnson, Carl Canter, Kathy Falensky, Merrill Minges

Culp's Cafe, Dayton, May 2023
Left to right:
Bob Drerup, Chuck Ormsby, Bob Evers, Jack Henderson, John Speers, Merrill Minges, Jim Mattice, Warren Johnson, Wayne Ward, John Williamson, Terry Ronald, Don Shrader, George Schmitt, (present but not in photo: Al Gunderson)

Annual Meeting, Engineers Club, Dayton, June 2023
Front Row: Vince Russo, Chuck Ormsby, Darrell Phillipson, Chuck Ward, Kathy Stevens
Second Row: Mickey McCabe, Jim Mattice, Som Soni (behind Jim), Dan Miracle, Terry Ronald
Third Row: Matt DiBiase at one end and Bill Woody at the other
Fourth Row: Don Shrader, Bob Albrecht, George Schmitt, Wayne Ward
Fifth Row: Al Gunderson, Jack Henderson, John Williamson
Sixth Row: Merrill Minges
Seventh Row: Bob Rapson, John Speers, Larry Butkus, Bill Lambert

BJ's, Beavercreek, April 2023
Left to right:
George Schmitt, Bob Drerup, Al Gunderson, Wayne Ward, Terry Ronald, John Williamson, Matt DiBiase, Kathy Falensky, Merrill Minges, John Speers, Don Shrader

Twin Peaks, Beavercreek, March 2023
Left to right:
Mickey McCabe, Warren Johnson, Jack Henderson, Bob Cochoy, Wayne Ward, Don Shrader, Jim Larsen, George Schmitt, John Williamson, Terry Ronald, Merrill Minges

20th Anniversary Luncheon, December 2022
Five Seasons Sports Club, Greene County

Doubledays, Centerville, November 2022
Left to right:
Al Gunderson, John Williamson, Kathy Falensky, Bob Cochoy, John Speers, Don Shrader, Bob Crane, George Schmitt, Wayne Ward, Bob Evers, Bob Neff, Jack Henderson, Jim Mattice
Photo: Terry Ronald

Troll Pub at the Wheelhouse, Dayton, October 2022
Left to right:
Jon Speers, John Williamson, Kathy Falensky, George Schmitt, Merrill Minges, Don Shrader, Bob Cochoy, Bob Rapson, Jack Henderson, Wayne Ward, Terry Ronald

Archers Tavern, Centerville, September 2022
Left to right:
Don Shrader, John Speers, Terry Ronald, Al Gunderson, Wayne Ward, George Schmitt, Merrill Minges, Bob Cochoy, Jim Mattice, Bob Crane, Kathy Falensky, Jim Folck, Warren Johnson, Jack Henderson, John Williamson

El Toro, Beavercreek, August 2022
Left to right:
Jack Henderson, Al Gunderson, Merrill Minges, Kathy Falensky, Wayne Ward, George Schmitt, Bill Lampert, Bill Woody, Don Shrader, John Speers.
Photo by John Williamson.

Geez, Washington Township, July 2022
Left to right:
Kathy Falenski, Don Shrader, Merrill Minges, Al Gunderson, Warren Johnson, John Speers, Bob Cochoy, Terry Ronald, John Williamson, George Schmitt, Wayne Ward, Bill Woody, Som Soni

AFMMAA 2022 Annual Meeting, Engineers Club of Dayton
First Row (seated) Left to right:
Chuck Ward,John Williamson, Matt DiBiase, Darrell Phillipson,
Col Anthony DiGregoria, George Schmitt, Jim Mattice,
Second Row:
Dennis Naughton, Bob Cochoy, Wayne Ward, Bill Woody
Third Row:
Merrill Minges, Russ Kurtz, Terry Ronald, Doug Hutchins
Fourth Row:
Bill Lampert
Fifth Row:
Tony Jensen, Bob Albrecht, Bob Crane, Dan Miracle, Don Shrader
Sixth Row:
Jim Malas, Kathy Falensky
Seventh Row:
Warren Johnson, Al Gunderson, Jack Henderson, Neal Ontko
Eighth Row:
John Speers

Mr. Darrell Phillipson
AFRL/RX Director

Cheddars, Centerville, May 2022
Left to right:
Merrill Minges, Jim Mattice, Som Soni, Don Shrader, Terry Ronald, Bill Woody, George Schmitt, Kathy Falenski, Al Gunderson

Wheat Penny, Dayton, April 2022
Left to right:
Bob Crane, Bob Cochoy, Wayne Ward, Kathy Falenski, George Schmitt, Don Shrader, Terry Ronald, Al Gunderson, John Williamson, Merrill Minges, Bill Woody, Matt DiBiase, Bob Rapson, Warren Johnson, John Speers

Left to right:
John Williamson, Bob Rapson, Warren Johnson, Terry Ronald, Wayne Ward, Kathy Falensky, John Speers, Jim Mattice

Olive Garden, Beavercreek, November 2021
Left to right:
George Schmitt, Jack Henderson, Merrill Minges, Bob Denison, Al Gunderson, Don Shrader, Walt Griffith

Archer's Tavern, Kettering, September 2021
Left to right:
Mickey McCabe, Merrill Minges, Kathy Falensky, Wayne Ward, Clay Harmsworth, Warren Johnson, Al Gunderson, George Schmitt, Terry Ronald, John Speers, Warren Johnson (hidden), Kay March (hidden), Bob Denison, Matt DiBiase, John Williamson (took photo)

El Toro, Beavercreek, August 2021
Left to right:
John Williamson, Terry Ronald, Al Gunderson, John Speers, Don Shrader, Kay March, Jack Henderson, Merrill Minges, Kathy Falensky, Neal Ontko, Matt DiBiase

Troll Pub at the Wheelhouse, Dayton, May 2021
Left to right:
John Speers, Merrill Minges, John Williamson, Warren Johnson, Bill Lampert, Bob Cochoy, Don Shrader, Kay Marsh, Jack Henderson, Wayne Ward, Terry Ronald, Al Gunderson, George Schmitt

NCR Country Club, Kettering, December 2018
Osaka Restaurant, Beavercreek, December 2021
The annual Christmas season luncheon
Clicking on any of the slide images will show an enlarged view

Marion's Pizza, Beavercreek, October 2021
Left to right:
Warren Johnson, Jim Mattice, Neal Ontko, Wayne Ward, Jack Henderson, Kay March, Terry Ronald, Kathy Falensky, Matt DiBiase, John Williamson (took photo)

Left to right:
John Speers, Matt DiBiase, Tim Sakulich, Chuck Ormsby, Sonny Pierce, Merrill Minges, Bob Cochoy, Don Shrader, Terry Ronald, Dennis Naughton, George Schmitt

Basils on the Market, Beavercreek, June 2021
(Annual meeting)
Left to right:
Kay March, Jack Henderson, Warren Johnson, Joe Sciabica, Bob Albrecht, Wayne Ward, Ed Snyder, George Slenski

Basils on the Market, Beavercreek April 2021
Left to right:
Jack Henderson, Al Gunderson, Bob Cochoy, John Speers, Don Shrader, Merrill Minges, Jim Mattice, Warren Johnson, Wayne Ward, Bob Rapson, Kay March, John Williamson (took photo)