Col. John "Caveman" Gloystein
Materials and Manufacturing Directorate
Air Force Research Laboratory
2013 - 2014
Colonel John W. Gloystein served as Deputy Director, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. He was responsible for over 1,100 military and civilian personnel and manages $550 million annually as well as $500 million in capital assets. The Directorate develops the next-generation materials and manufacturing techniques for our nation’s defense. Col Gloystein graduated from the US Air Force Academy as a distinguished graduate in 1992. Selected for a Joint Institute for Advancement of Flight Sciences Fellowship, he earned a master’s degree in aeronautics while working at NASA and researching control law theory. Earning his wings in 1994, he has flown more than 1400 hours in the F-16, including 153 combat hours. After graduating as the number one graduate of the USAF Test Pilot School, Colonel Gloystein has flown 26 different types of aircraft as well as several high-risk test missions. After attending Naval Command and Staff College, he was selected to go to the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies. Following school, Colonel Gloystein was assigned to the Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education where he was responsible for development of the Air Force’s first-ever cyberspace operations doctrine. Colonel Gloystein then attended the Air War College at Maxwell AFB, where he graduated first in his class. Following graduation, Colonel Gloystein became Deputy Chief of Special Projects, at US Central Command, then Liaison to the Iran Operations Division at CIA. From 2013 to 2014 he was Director of the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory.
He retired as the Commander and Director for the Munitions Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
Following retirement from the Air Force, Colonel (ret) John W. Gloystein became a senior manager, advanced concepts at Lockheed Martin. He works in Dayton, Ohio and collaborates with DOD laboratories and academia to create the next game-changing, war-winning, concepts.