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Col. Timothy Sakulich
Materials and Manufacturing Directorate
Air Force Research Laboratory
2005 - 2006

Mr. Timothy Sakulich, a member of the Senior Executive Service, is the Director, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Mr. Sakulich is responsible for more than 900 personnel, developing the next generation materials and manufacturing techniques for our nation's defense. The vision of his organization is to provide world-class leadership in materials and manufacturing for our Airmen. The Materials and Manufacturing Directorate is the only Air Force organization to oversee the entire life cycle of aerospace materials from discovery through processing, development and manufacturing, to sustainment of fielded systems.

Mr. Sakulich began his Air Force career in 1984 as a Distinguished Graduate of the United States Air Force Academy. Upon commissioning, he was awarded a scholarship to attend graduate school at North Carolina State University where he received a Master of Science degree in applied mathematics. He has held diverse technical and leadership positions, including those in operations research, logistics, international security cooperation, science and technology and programs and resources.

Mr. Sakulich entered federal civilian service in 2010 as Chief of the Strategic Planning and Transformation Office for the Air Force Research Laboratory 711th Human Performance Wing. In 2012 he was selected as the wing’s first civilian Vice Director. He was promoted to the grade of Senior Scientific and Technical Manager in May 2017. From March 2018 to July 2018 he served as the Acting Director of the Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate. In October 2018 he was appointed to the Senior Executive Service.


1984 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Distinguished Graduate with Honors, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo.

1986 Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh

1987 Distinguished Graduate, Squadron Officers School

1996 Air Command and Staff College 2001 National Defense Fellow, Institute for Defense Analysis, Alexandria, Va.

2005 Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va.


1. 1984 – 1985, graduate student, Air Force Institute of Technology Civilian Institution Program at North Carolina State University, Raleigh

2. 1986 – 1989, Logistics Operations Research Analyst and Chief, Materiel Analysis Branch, Deputy Chief of Staff for Materiel Management, Headquarters AFLC, WPAFB, Ohio

3. 1989 – 1989, Aide to the Commander, AFLC, WPAFB, Ohio.

4. 1989 – 1992, Chief, Technology Repair Liaison Unit and Chief, Aircraft Liaison Unit, Directorate of Distribution, San Antonio Air Logistics Center, Kelly AFB, Texas

5. 1992 – 1995, Exchange Officer with the Royal Air Force, Royal Air Force Stanbridge and Royal Air Force, Wyton, England

6. 1995 – 1996, student, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala.

7. 1996 – 1998, Chief, Joint Operations Division, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala.

8. 1998 – 2000, Chief, Collaborative Analysis Branch, Directorate for Force Structure, Resources and Assessment (J-8), Joint Staff, the Pentagon, Arlington, Va.

9. 2000 – 2001, National Defense Fellow, Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, Va.

10. 2001 – 2003, Country Program Director, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Arlington, Va.

11. 2003 – 2004, Deputy Director, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

12. 2004 – 2005, Director, Acquisition Excellence Office, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

13. 2005 – 2006, Director, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

14. 2006 – 2007, Director, Programs and Resources, Headquarters United States Southern Command, Miami, Fla.

15. 2007 – 2008, Commander, 8th Mission Support Group, Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea

16. 2008 – 2009, Chief, Acquisition Transformation, Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

17. 2009 – 2010, Inspector General, Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

18. 2010 – 2012, Chief, Strategic Planning and Transformation Office, 711th Human Performance Wing, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

19. 2012 – 2015, Vice Director, 711th Human Performance Wing, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

20. 2015 – 2015, Acting Director, Information Directorate, AFRL, Rome, N.Y.

21. 2015 – 2018, Vice Director, 711th Human Performance Wing, WPAFB, Ohio

22. 2018 – 2018, Acting Director, Information Directorate, AFRL, Rome, N.Y.

23. 2018 – 2018, Vice Director, 711th Human Performance Wing, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

24. 2018 – 2021, Director, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

AF Materials and Manufacturing Alumni Association (AFMMAA)

PO Box 341413

Beavercreek, OH 45434

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