Dr. Morley O. Stone
Dr. Morley O. Stone, a member of the scientific and technical cadre of senior executives, is the Chief Technology Officer for Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. As the primary science and technology adviser to the AFRL commander, he is responsible for assisting with the planning and execution of an annual $2.1 billion Air Force science and technology program and an additional $2.3 billion in externally funded research and development. He also serves as the corporate-level science and technology interface for a government workforce of nearly 6,000 people in the laboratory's nine technology directorates and 711th Human Performance Wing. Dr. Stone earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree in biochemistry from Carnegie Mellon University in 1997. He then stood up the biotechnology research team for AFRL's Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, and led the team to earn two consecutive Star Team Awards from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. From 2003 to 2006, Dr. Stone accepted an assignment as Program Manager in the Defense Sciences Office at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. He later served as Chief of the Hardened Materials Branch within the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate at AFRL. In 2007 he was appointed to senior executive service as the Senior Scientist for Molecular Systems Biotechnology in AFRL’s Human Effectiveness Directorate. There he served as the Air Force’s principal scientific authority in the field of biotechnology, through 2008. Prior to assuming his present position, Dr. Stone served as the Chief Scientist of AFRL’s 711th Human Performance Wing responsible for the technical direction of a broad, multi-disciplinary research and development portfolio focused on understanding and improving human performance. He also served as the Chair of the Department of Defense’s Autonomy Community of Interest 2011-2014. Dr. Stone has authored more than 90 technical publications and five technical book chapters. He is on the editorial board of two international scientific journals and is a Fellow of AFRL and the International Optical Engineering Society.
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, Wright State University, Ohio 1997 Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pa.
January 1992 - August 1992, materials research engineer, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
August 1992 - May 1997, student, U.S. Air Force Palace Knight Program, Carnegie Mellon University, Pa.
June 1997 - December 1999, research biologist, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
January 2000 - December 2001, senior research biologist, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, AFRL, WrightPatterson AFB, Ohio
January 2002 - May 2006, principal research biologist, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, AFRL, WrightPatterson AFB, Ohio (November 2003 - May 2006, Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, Va.)
May 2006 - May 2007, Chief, Hardened Materials Branch, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, AFRL, WrightPatterson AFB, Ohio
May 2007 - December 2008, Senior Scientist for Molecular Systems Biotechnology, Human Effectiveness Directorate, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
December 2008 – August 2014, Chief Scientist, 711th Human Performance Wing, AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
August 2014 – present, Chief Technology Officer, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
1999 Charles J. Cleary Award for Scientific Achievement
2000 Honorable Mention, U.S. Air Force Basic Research Award
2001 United States/United Kingdom Young Scientist Laboratory Exchange Program 2002 Commanders Cup, Air Force Research Laboratory
2002 and 2006 Star Team, Air Force Office of Scientific Research
2003 Nominee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Review 100
2003 Vincent J. Russo Leadership Excellence Award
2005 Carnegie Mellon Alumni Merit Award
2005 Fellow, Air Force Research Laboratory
2006 Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Civilian Service
2007 Fellow, International Optical Engineering Society
2014 Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Service
2016 Fed100 Award